Vom Blatt zum Blättern
Bookbinding (Vom Blatt zum Blättern) is a book about books, edited, conceived and designed by Franziska Morlok and Miriam Waszelewski.

We’ve seen many interestingly designed books on bookstore shelves of late – some of them with small print runs. It’s not only a publication’s content and design that makes it interesting, but the book’s binding is key in creating a desirable object out of flat sheets of paper.
This 420-page book highlights the importance of book binding as part of the overall graphic design concept. The techniques are explained with accompanying text and illustrations, as well as photography by Matthias Weingärtner.
Concept and design by Franziska Morlok and Miriam Waszelewski, published by Verlag Herman Schmidt Mainz. ISBN: 978-3874398770
There are now English, American, Chinese and Japanese editions of the book.