The Words of the Arty Class
The Words of the Arty Class
The performative publication “The Words of the Arty Class” examines intersectional class and racism in the field of the arts. The starting point is the facets of speechlessness in a society in which criticism of injustice too often goes unheard. We designed a trailer, a digital publication and various print media for the project.

“Culture for all!” has been invoked by cultural policy for decades. But despite this, the elites in art and culture prefer to keep to themselves. The diversity programs of recent years have done little to change this. Cultural participation and cultural production remain a question of income, barriers and socialization.
The project “The Words of the Arty Class” by Nuray Demir and Michael Annoff examines these questions using several performative contributions. It was presented at HAU in Berlin in February 2024.
For the project, we animated a font of punctuations. The digital publication is based on the animated font and is constructed using a simple modular system.