extra – encyclopaedia of experimental print finishing
In “extra”, we have made a book that we ourselves always wished we owned: a go-to reference book for print finishing with real examples of each technique, and made by a collection of amazing designers.

With contributions by 123buero, Antoine + Manuel, Catalogtree, Drushba Pankow, Hans Gremmen, Fons Hickmann m23, Hort, Sarah Illenberger, Jung + Wenig, karlssonwilker inc., Hoon Kim, Yang Liu, Mario Lombardo, LUST, Thomas Mayfried, Fanette Mellier, mischen, Maureen Mooren, Node Berlin Oslo, OK-RM, onlab, Pixelgarten, Project Projects, Viola Schmieskors, Ariane Spanier, Annik Troxler, Üppig, Weiss – heiten Design and Welcometo.as.
These are supplemented by an interview with the Swiss designers Müller + Hess and text contributions on the planning of finishes, the psychology of perception and history.
ISBN 978-3-0346-0083-5, Birkhäuser Verlag