Art in the Underground 2023
New Urban Public Spaces
The Berlin nGbK’s “Art in the Underground” competition has been taking place for over 60 years. We have designed all media for the 2021 and 2023 editions as well as the accompanying publications.

The art competition “Art in the Underground 2022/23” has the theme “New Urban Public Spaces”. The works, which were on display in public spaces from June to August 2023, connect the Berlin subway with above-ground urban squares and cover the entire route network via passenger television.
Based on the idea of the square as a place for the common good, a meeting point and a place for discussion, this time three Berlin squares and their subway stations serve as the starting point for artistic interventions: Kottbusser Tor, Strausberger Platz and Rotes Rathaus.
The design takes up the subway line as a connecting element. The performative approach of the events is reflected in the typography.
With interventions by Irene Fernández Arcas, Chargé, image-shift - büro für gestaltung, Julieta Ortiz de Latierro, Sunny Pfalzer and Liminal Beast of Prey.
Project group: Lorena Juan, Marenka Krasomil, Isabelle Meiffert, Mirko Winkel, Sandra Teitge, assistance: Manon Frugier

Die magazinartige Publikation dokumentiert das Projekt. Sie ist sehr plakativ und greift die Gestaltungselement und Farben der Identity auf. Der performative Ansatz des Projektes, die Schichtungen von Stadt und Perspektiven wird durch die Gestaltung verdeutlicht.
Der Umschlag der Publikation legt durch mehrere Stanzungen die Inhalte frei.