Kunsthistorikerinnen 1910–1980

Kunsthistorikerinnen 1910–1980

The “old masters of art history” and their works are an integral part of university studies. The contribution of early women art historians to the development of the discipline, on the other hand, remains largely invisible to this day. We developed the design concept for the publication by art historians Lee Chichester and Brigitte Sölch.

What new ways of looking at art, what methods and questions did the first women art historians who were admitted to study in German-speaking countries since the late 19th century develop?

We have created a clearly structuring design for the publication, which nevertheless gives plenty of scope for the presentation of the individual positions. Boldly designed divider pages introduce the respective era.

Published at Reimer Verlag.

In addition to the book design, we also developed a design concept for the associated Instagram account @kunst.innen.