Goldrausch 2021
Mutual Matters
Goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojekt is a professionalization programme for female* visual artists. Since 2016, we have been designing the identity for their annual graduate exhibition in close cooperation with the artists.

Under the theme “Mutual Matters,” 15 female artists of Goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojekt are exhibiting works in Berlin’s Fahrbereitschaft that explore questions of identity and belonging, the relationship between humans, nature, and technology. In doing so, they work with both the tangible and the abstract; with architecture and space; with bodies, sounds and voices; with collectives, ideologies and abstract systems of order; with desires and fears, attributions, and with biographical, political and local knowledge.
In the visual identity of the exhibition, we take up the manifesto-like character of the title. The design is simple and monochromatic, striking and optimistic.