Rimini Berlin designs printed, digital, filmic and spatial projects for and with clients from the cultural and scientific sector. We develop interdisciplinary projects in close collaboration with institutions, artists, publishers and museums. Working in a variety of media and a conceptual as well as experimental approach form the basis of our projects.

Open project "Forests"
  • It’s finally finished – “Revolutionary Romances? Global Art Histories in the GDR”! The book accompanying the exhibition of the same name at the Albertinum/SKD presents themes and motifs of actual and supposed “Revolutionary Romances”, including ideals and icons of socialist internationalism, artistic protest against war and violence, travel pictures, but also mail art and works by foreign art students in the GDR. Published by Spector Books.

  • The exhibition “Forests – from Romanticism to the Future” opened on March 15. The Deutsche Romantikmuseum, the Senckenberg Naturmuseum in Frankfurt and the Museum Sinclair-Haus in Bad Homburg are cooperating in a large multi-part exhibition project. Still on display until 11.8.24.

  • Soon the gorillas will be gone ... Until september 17 the exhibition “The F* word – Guerrilla Girls and Feminist Graphic Design“ is still on display at @mkghamburg. The complete works of the @guerrillagirls can be seen as well as 400 works by female designers from 1870 to the present! Go see it!

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