In her artist’s book “Trockenheft”, Susanne Huth deals with the use of photography in social, biographical and analytical contexts.

The starting point is a collection of photographs from a private archive. Traces and inscriptions on the backs of the photographs allow them to be assigned to a specific time, but also leave room for interpretation. Similar to a dry book for stamps, the photos are relieved of their original task of representation and placed in a new, universal context.
The selection covers a period from the 1970s to the 1990s and refers both to social transformations in Germany and to photographic developments – from self-enlarged black and white images to the development of industrial color film. A time of analog photography on the threshold of digital photography and the transition from private albums to public presentation on social media.
The cover takes up the design of an actual “Trockenheft” from Susanne Huth᾽s collection.